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How do you add nodes with OSX 10.7.5 (HTC mining)

edited January 2014 in Support
Hi i am trying to set up my miner to mine a new scrypt algo coin. it says that i should add nodes on there web site. ( about 8 )
I have tried numerous ways but had no luck, I have tried making conf files with nodes in & also inputing them into existing conf files but none seam to work ? 
I have tried installing different versions of you miner currently 1.3.17
when i try to mine with CPU or CG miner i just generate false shares & the pool doesn't see me as active ( even though it see's i am generating a hashrate).?
Could you tell me :
 The best version for me, OSX 10.7.5
what i should be putting in conf files i.e., ( addnode= or { addnode= } etc. ) and where i should stick it?
i hve been  putting it next to other conf files in Aplication Support. and trying to add in existing conf files.

Any help would be gratefully received.
Thanks Clayton


  • You should use 1.5.3 rather than the 1.3 branch - add node is a command for bitcoind or your alt coin daemon (which alt coin is it specifically?)

    You shouldn't need to set that up unless you're local mining - what pool are you using?
  • only the pool should need to add nodes, and you can only add nodes to the wallet

    Can you post the output of MacMiner if it fails to work please?

    Also, you'll need to check enable scrypt mining in bfgminer settings panel if you're mining with bfgminer window
  • edited January 2014
    Hi , Thanks
    Is BFG the best miner to use then?

    with BFG i Get

    [2013-12-23 22:12:41] Timers: Using gettimeofday
    [2013-12-23 22:12:41] Global quota greatest common denominator set to 1
    [2013-12-23 22:12:41] setrlimit: Changed soft fd limit from 2560 to 1024 (FD_SETSIZE=1024; hard limit=unlimited)
    [2013-12-23 22:12:41] Started bfgminer 3.8.1
    [2013-12-23 22:12:41] Loaded configuration file /Users/
  • it looks as though it's not starting to GPU mine, did you check enable GPU mining? BFG is best for GPU CPU miner for CPU
  • Hi Thanks, been trying different things.
    with enable GPU mining i get.

    [2013-12-24 00:22:45] Rejected 1d72354f OCL 0 Diff 0/0 (target-miss)
    OCL0 | 5s: 6.8 avg: 6.7 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:22+0(100%) HW:0/none
    5s: 7.0 avg: 6.8 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:22+0(100%) HW:0/none
    5s: 6.9 avg: 6.8 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:22+0(100%) HW:0/none
    [2013-12-24 00:22:52] Rejected 7dd0dccb OCL 0 Diff 0/0 (target-miss)
    [2013-12-24 00:22:52] OCL0 | 5s: 6.8 avg: 6.8 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:23+0(100%) HW:0/none

    What other settings do you recommend? i have ticked scrypt & enable GPU now,

    It doesn't look like it's working ? has target miss?

    Thanks for your help, Cheers
  • Hi
    Seam to be getting lots of
    target miss

    Hope i can get a yay for x mass :)
  • I hate to break it to you but it's starting too look as though your Mac might be a bit old for this. You should try reducing the intensity to a minus value and see whether  that lets it find accepted shares - What type of Mac are you using so I can figure whether that's the problem or it's a problem with this alt coin or pool?
  • Hi it's a
    MacBook Pro
    15-inch, Mid 2012
    Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 512 MB
    Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63b)

    Thanks, any suggestions what i could try in the manual flags?
    I have tried -n, I don't no any others?

    Or do i change the intensity on the scaler bit?

  • Stick with the GUI - you can just use the slider - it might also be worth testing mining Litecoin, I know your GPU can do that!
  • edited December 2013
    I can't figure out the Chinese GUI on that pool to figure out my worker username or password to test this pool with, if you're comfortable with it please email john at a username and worker that you've registered so I can test it for you
  • Hey no problem these Alt coins can be tricky!

    what happened when you tried to email me? You can click on my username and on the right click send me a message and go that way instead. I'll make sure to delete any message with a password in it!

    I don’t need your login for the website, but I need the miner username and password so I can start mining, I get 403 forbidden because I don’t have it

    GUI just means Graphical User Interface, it’s all the buttons etc. which tell the program what to do.
  • edited December 2013
    Oh hey it formatted your post differently in the email, I thought your username was clayton.11

    If I mine with clayton.1 and pass 1 I get all rejected shares too so there must be something about the alt coin which doesn't work with these miners, I think the proof of work is a modified version of scrypt which is why they have their own htcminer for download but I couldn't find the source code for it to compile a version for MacMiner…

    If you can find the source code for that alt coin (sorry it all seems to be in Chinese and I'm stuck!) I'll compile support in for it but until then I'd have to say MacMiner won't work with HTC, sorry!
  • You'd need the HTC source code and if you had that there probably wouldn't be much point right? There's a bit of controversy about 'cpu only' coins too…
  • edited January 2014
    Hi i have got the  source code, & i emailed it to you to, i wouldn't no how to build a client from it, bit confusing for me?
    what controversy is there the about cpu only? is it a power issue?
  • I didn't get that email, do you know whether it's the wallet or miner source? The controversy is about whether the creators of such coins are holding back and able to GPU mine themselves - also HTC seemed to have about a dozen total miners on it when I checked it out a few days ago!

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