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MacMiner 1.5.61 Report

All test were done with Nicehash, i7 7700, Nvidia GTX 1060 6G, MacOS High Sierra 10.13.3

CPU miner: No KH, doesn't submit results. xmr-stak does work fine, so I guess it's the miner version in MacMiner.
Lyra2rev2: shows rate but no accepted or rejected shares. Same goes for Nist5.

As the previous version, Keccak does work at rates around the 300-400 Mh, it should be at around the 570 (it is on Windows)

Will report next version.


  • Thanks for testing and the report.

    I noticed I'd messed up the openssl compile which broke most of the miners for some CPUs and I've replaced the download for .61 with a fixed version.

    The XMR miner in MacMiner is a different version which runs slightly less efficiently than xmr-stak but I have used it successfully (it's the tpruvot cpuminer-multi). I might swap it out for xmrig.

    What hash rate are you getting in the CPU miner? Most of the CPU miners take a long time to get accepted shares due to the relatively slow speed of CPU mining which at first can make it appear as though it's not working. Mining Lyra2REv2 at 1207kH/s it usually takes me 5-10mins to get first accepted share.

    I guess I should add cudaminer to MacMiner, which I haven't done as it depends on the CUDA drivers so people would have to have the same version installed as I compile with. But that would increase the speeds from Nvidia cards significantly.

    What are you using to mine Nist5? The cpuminer-multi at the command line?

  • To make it clear, I only use CPU for Cryptonight, the other three were tested on GPU. Everything was tested with MacMiner defaults.

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