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Configuration Issues

Hey, I have downloaded the software and installed, I have chosen to use the Run legacy pool config and have then added the details of a BTC wallet that I have but then I get the following message. I guess I have altered a setting maybe.

[2017-10-03 07:22:06] /Applications/ -c: JSON decode of file '/Users/Martyn/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf' failed
unexpected newline near '"'

Perhaps someone could let me know and I can update.



  • Why did you decide to use the legacy pool config and did the problem occur immediately afterwards or did you then edit the config manually? I wonder whether I should remove the legacy setup option... it could be broken.

    You could either manually edit the file or delete /Users/Martyn/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf and then set up the pool again to fix the issue.

  • does this file directory exist? I can't seem to find it...

  • [2017-10-03 16:36:08] /Applications/ -c: JSON decode of file '/Users/calebpase/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf' failed
    unexpected newline near '"cpase.worker1'

  • If you click the 'Go' menu in the finder and select 'Go to Folder' and put /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ in it'll take you there

    Did that happen after setting up via the legacy config as well?

  • Same thing happened to me after the legacy config. It keeps saying "ltcurls.conf' failed"

  • whenever i change config file it shows JSON config parse error(offset 1915): Invalid value

  • Please don't remove the Legacy tool! It was the only way I could get it to work - I think. Total newby, but, a mac power user.

    Here's my question - I have it set up MM with identical settings on two different machines, but the CPU miner is not working on one of the machines. I've added different workers (using SlushPool) but even the legacy setup only uses one worker at a time regardless of CPU or GPU mining. I'll figure this out but am wondering if there's a way, through the UI, that the CPU and GPU could be set to different workers, or, should I care? Should I be using different workers on the different machines?

    Thanks a bunch for the support.

  • edited December 2017

    What went wrong with the newer setup in the prefs window?

    What is the output on the cpu miner instance that's failing?

    I don't know whether slush pool requires you to use a different worker for each instance, I wouldn't have thought it would matter.

    You could manually edit the .conf file to use the second worker after setting the first worker through the pool setup GUI... IIRC the cpuminer doesn't use the conf file but uses the pool as saved to MacMiner's own nsuserdefaults when you set it up through the GUI but it's been too long for me to say that with absolute certainty.

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