Hello, I was hoping I could get some guidance on how to get bfgminer working on my machine. Here are my specs:
OS X 10.10.5
AMD FirePro D500 3072 MB GPU
3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5 CPU
I think I have CPU Miner working, I'm getting hash rates for each thread in the output terminal. Though it always displays "0 KH" and "Stating..." in the GUI
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Loaded configuration file ../../Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] CL Platform 0 vendor: Apple
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] CL Platform 0 name: Apple
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] CL Platform 0 version: OpenCL 1.2 (Jan 17 2017 10:00:23)
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Platform 0 devices: 2
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] 0 AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] 1 AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Unable to load ati adl library
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Probing for an alive pool
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Testing pool stratum+tcp://stratum.slushpool.com:3333
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Pool 0 stratum+tcp://stratum.slushpool.com:3333 alive
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Network difficulty changed to 522G ( 3.74E)
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] New block: ...bf13e0d29239642d diff 522G ( 3.74E)
[2017-05-08 13:26:26] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] CL Platform vendor: Apple
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] CL Platform name: Apple
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Jan 17 2017 10:00:23)
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] List of devices:
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] 0 AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] 1 AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] Selected 0: AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] initCl() finished. Found AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] Init GPU thread 1 GPU 1 virtual GPU 1
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] CL Platform vendor: Apple
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] CL Platform name: Apple
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Jan 17 2017 10:00:23)
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] List of devices:
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] 0 AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] 1 AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] Selected 1: AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] initCl() finished. Found AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engine
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] API running in IP access mode on port 4052
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] Selecting poclbm kernel
[2017-05-08 13:26:27] Selecting poclbm kernel"
Then I get "Settings changed. Your miner was restarted automatically after a sudden stop at 13:27:33."
Does this help?
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Unable to load ati adl library
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Unable to load ati adl library
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Probing for an alive pool
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Probing for an alive pool
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Testing pool stratum+tcp://stratum.slushpool.com:3333
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Testing pool stratum+tcp://stratum.slushpool.com:3333
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] HTTP request failed: Protocol "stratum+tcp" not supported or disabled in libcurl
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] HTTP request failed: Protocol "stratum+tcp" not supported or disabled in libcurl
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Failed to connect in json_rpc_call
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Failed to connect in json_rpc_call
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] initiate_stratum with sockbuf=0x0
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] initiate_stratum with sockbuf=0x0
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Stratum connect failed with TLS to pool 0: Protocol "https" not supported or disabled in libcurl
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Stratum connect failed with TLS to pool 0: Protocol "https" not supported or disabled in libcurl
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Pool 0 stratum+tcp://stratum.slushpool.com:3333 alive
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Pool 0 stratum+tcp://stratum.slushpool.com:3333 alive
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Received no-transaction-list response for pool 0 job 1d4d6b
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Received no-transaction-list response for pool 0 job 1d4d6b
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
[2017-05-10 15:03:10] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
[2017-05-10 15:03:11] OCL 0: Using kernel poclbm with interface poclbm
[2017-05-10 15:03:11] OCL 1: Using kernel poclbm with interface poclbm
[2017-05-10 15:03:11] OCL 1: Using kernel poclbm with interface poclbm
[2017-05-10 15:03:11] Error -54: Running goffset test kernel (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2017-05-10 15:03:11] Error -54: Running goffset test kernel (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2017-05-10 15:03:11] Error -54: Running goffset test kernel (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2017-05-10 15:03:11] Error -54: Running goffset test kernel (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
How would I be able to tell if it is actually using the usb miner I have plugged in or just the one in my computer?
Also I see Mh is moving but in the accepted field it stays 0 can someone explain any of this.
very new to this.
I am having the same problem. Here is my crash log:
10 21:25:46] Failed to connect in json_rpc_call
[2018-04-10 21:25:46] initiate_stratum with sockbuf=0x0
[2018-04-10 21:25:46] Stratum connect failed with TLS to pool 0: OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to sha256.usa.nicehash.com:3334
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Failed to get sessionid in initiate_stratum
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated target 00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Pool 0 stratum+tcp://sha256.usa.nicehash.com:3334 alive
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated target 0000000000001fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Pool 0 stratum difficulty set to 524288
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Coinbase output: 1250733380 -- 1KFHE7w8BhaENAswwryaoccDb6qcT6DbYY
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Coinbase output: 0 -- [6a24aa21a9ed5e5a85f7ce93887f8dae751e8f125490f29f4222f1b8ffeb1188a3154e1bb136080000000000000000]
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Coinbase: (size, pos, addr_count, target, total) = (241, 241, 0, 0, 1250733380)
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Received stratum notify from pool 0 with job_id=000000141abd08bf
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum header 200000001d7dd6caf05d31aff107911a98c77e3996fba6410047f309000000000000000080b95bb869ad33ed8282b53c175e9284973d0bd1c34a3903757e4e49307e45955acd640417502ab700000000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Work job_id 000000141abd08bf nonce2 000000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Network difficulty changed to 3.51T (25.13E)
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] New block: ...f05d31af1d7dd6ca diff 3.51T (25.13E)
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] CL Platform vendor: Apple
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] CL Platform name: Apple
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Aug 23 2017 16:35:41)
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] List of devices:
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] 0 GeForce GTX 1070
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Selected 0: GeForce GTX 1070
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Preferred vector width reported 1
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Max work group size reported 1024
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Max compute units reported 15
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Max mem alloc size is 2147483648
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] initCl() finished. Found GeForce GTX 1070
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Waking up thread 0
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Creating extra submit work thread
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Selecting pool 0 for work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum header 200000001d7dd6caf05d31aff107911a98c77e3996fba6410047f3090000000000000000f85afc35263d9719f9264da550424997d8a71084b772577cb417554632207c955acd640417502ab700000000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Work job_id 000000141abd08bf nonce2 010000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] API running in IP access mode on port 4052
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Pushing work 4 from pool 0 to hash queue
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Selecting pool 0 for work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum header 200000001d7dd6caf05d31aff107911a98c77e3996fba6410047f3090000000000000000d7d7f7edf554f076660d6be728b4739505dc9811bd16ff9d3e665db3c927b7515acd640417502ab700000000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Work job_id 000000141abd08bf nonce2 020000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Pushing work 6 from pool 0 to hash queue
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Selecting pool 0 for work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum header 200000001d7dd6caf05d31aff107911a98c77e3996fba6410047f3090000000000000000bde273ba67ef887bdf94be3872c9863c3306d559ba250df04967398128e7ec2d5acd640417502ab700000000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Work job_id 000000141abd08bf nonce2 030000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Pushing work 8 from pool 0 to hash queue
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Popping ping in miner thread
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] OCL 0: Popping work from get queue to get work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Selecting pool 0 for work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum header 200000001d7dd6caf05d31aff107911a98c77e3996fba6410047f30900000000000000007dd4ac5e8855350ae4f3a5453c6fd3e7d4a0f8ba4d7ea3fc0a5f55073fa1113c5acd640417502ab700000000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] OCL 0: Got work 4 from get queue to get work for thread 0
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Work job_id 000000141abd08bf nonce2 040000
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Generated stratum work
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Pushing work 10 from pool 0 to hash queue
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] Selecting poclbm kernel
[2018-04-10 21:25:47] OCL 0: Using kernel poclbm with interface poclbm
Intensity is set to 1 and if I set it to 2 it crashes instantly.