[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Started bfgminer 5.4.2-unknown
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Started bfgminer 5.4.2-unknown
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Loaded configuration file /Users/Grinsekatze/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Loaded configuration file /Users/Grinsekatze/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] CL Platform 0 vendor: Apple
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] CL Platform 0 name: Apple
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] CL Platform 0 version: OpenCL 1.2 (Feb 7 2016 15:43:50)
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Platform 0 devices: 1
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] 0 GeForce GTX 775M
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Unable to load ati adl library
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Probing for an alive pool
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Probing for an alive pool
[2016-06-16 18:17:28] Testing pool stratum+tcp://stratum.hashfaster.com:3333
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Pool 0 stratum+tcp://stratum.hashfaster.com:3333 alive
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Pool 0 stratum+tcp://stratum.hashfaster.com:3333 alive
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Network difficulty changed to 44.2k (316.7G)
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Network difficulty changed to 44.2k (316.7G)
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] New block: ...3025a57ee4446865 diff 44.2k (316.7G)
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] CL Platform vendor: Apple
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] CL Platform name: Apple
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Feb 7 2016 15:43:50)
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] List of devices:
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] 0 GeForce GTX 775M
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Selected 0: GeForce GTX 775M
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] initCl() finished. Found GeForce GTX 775M
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] API running in IP access mode on port 4052
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] API running in IP access mode on port 4052
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Error -30: Clearing output buffer for goffset test kernel (clEnqueueWriteBuffer)
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Error -30: Clearing output buffer for goffset test kernel (clEnqueueWriteBuffer)
[2016-06-16 18:17:29] Initialising kernel scrypt.cl without bitalign, 1 vectors and worksize 256
20s: 44.6 avg:115.0 u: 0.0 h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
20s: 76.8 avg:121.4 u: 0.0 h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
[2016-06-16 18:18:13] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
[2016-06-16 18:18:13] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
[2016-06-16 18:18:13] JSON-RPC non method decode failed: (null)
20s: 96.6 avg:123.5 u: 0.0 h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none
OpenCL errors are quite regular, usually to do with the Mac OS GPU drivers but most of them can be ignored. Some of them indicate that the GPU is too slow to mine, or that there's something wrong with the Mac OS GPU drivers preventing mining.
OS X EL Capitan
Version 10.11.5
iMac 27 2013
NVIDIA GeForce GTC 775M 2048 MB