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New MacMiner

Hi i have a MacBook Pro and am new to mining. I set up macminer and was mining through slush's pool with my miner, now it keeps saying hTTP: empty reply from server. I had snagged 16 shares and was running at 9797 before I crashed and couldn't log back in, I have checked debug and also changed the address to stratum but still no luck. I have macminer set on CPU
Thanks for any help


  • [2014-08-28 19:46:36] 4 miner threads started, using 'sha256d' algorithm.
    [2014-08-28 19:46:36] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://
    [2014-08-28 19:46:36] JSON-RPC call failed: {
    "code": -1,
    "message": "Unsupported method 'getblocktemplate'"
    [2014-08-28 19:46:36] Stratum session id: ae6812eb4cd7735a302a8a9dd95cf71f
    [2014-08-28 19:46:36] Stratum difficulty set to 32
    [2014-08-28 19:46:36] DEBUG: job_id='23ca4' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffbf43
    [2014-08-28 19:46:36] Stratum requested work restart
    [2014-08-28 19:46:43] DEBUG: job_id='23ca5' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffbf61
    [2014-08-28 19:47:12] Stratum difficulty set to 8
    [2014-08-28 19:47:12] DEBUG: job_id='23ca6' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffbf7f
    [2014-08-28 19:47:12] Stratum requested work restart
    [2014-08-28 19:47:19] DEBUG: job_id='23ca7' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffbf84
    [2014-08-28 19:47:19] Stratum requested work restart
    [2014-08-28 19:47:19] DEBUG: job_id='23ca8' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffbf85
    [2014-08-28 19:47:48] DEBUG: job_id='23ca9' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffbfa2
    [2014-08-28 19:48:18] DEBUG: job_id='23caa' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffbfc0

    getting this now
  • 9121 KH found 8 shares, running in cpu mode. I'm mining at least...anyone out there?
  • 014-08-28 20:38:47] DEBUG: job_id='23d15' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcb96
    [2014-08-28 20:39:17] DEBUG: job_id='23d16' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcbb4
    [2014-08-28 20:39:47] DEBUG: job_id='23d17' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcbd2
    [2014-08-28 20:40:17] DEBUG: job_id='23d18' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcbf0
    [2014-08-28 20:40:47] DEBUG: job_id='23d19' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcc0e
    [2014-08-28 20:41:17] DEBUG: job_id='23d1a' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcc2c
    [2014-08-28 20:41:43] DEBUG: job_id='23d1b' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcc45
    [2014-08-28 20:41:43] Stratum requested work restart
    [2014-08-28 20:41:43] DEBUG: job_id='23d1c' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcc46
    [2014-08-28 20:42:13] DEBUG: job_id='23d1d' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcc64
    [2014-08-28 20:42:43] DEBUG: job_id='23d1e' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcc82
    [2014-08-28 20:43:13] DEBUG: job_id='23d1f' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcca0
    [2014-08-28 20:43:43] DEBUG: job_id='23d20' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffccbe
    [2014-08-28 20:44:14] DEBUG: job_id='23d21' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffccdc
    [2014-08-28 20:44:43] DEBUG: job_id='23d22' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffccfa
    [2014-08-28 20:45:14] DEBUG: job_id='23d23' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcd18
    [2014-08-28 20:45:43] DEBUG: job_id='23d24' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcd36
    [2014-08-28 20:46:13] DEBUG: job_id='23d25' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=53ffcd54
  • what is enable quiet mode and enable bug, what do these do? I currently have both checked
  • you don't want quiet and debug at the same time, they do opposite things, it's about log detail. CPU mining is way too slow for Bitcoin these days which is why you get so few shares!
  • ok i unchecked quiet, i tried connecting via GPU but had trouble, I will post the data. I did earn some .000000 BTC last night :)
  • can you explain what debug & quiet do
  • I have 2 instancesof macminer running at once now, I scooped 64 shares last round, going for more this round. I have one with debug enable checked and one worker with nothing checked to compare them side by side this round.
  • [2014-08-29 08:43:05] DEBUG: job_id='274e0' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007557
    [2014-08-29 08:43:35] DEBUG: job_id='274e1' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007576
    [2014-08-29 08:44:05] DEBUG: job_id='274e2' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007593
    [2014-08-29 08:44:35] DEBUG: job_id='274e3' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540075b2
    [2014-08-29 08:45:05] DEBUG: job_id='274e4' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540075cf this one is enabled
    [2014-08-29 08:45:36] DEBUG: job_id='274e5' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540075ee
    [2014-08-29 08:46:06] DEBUG: job_id='274e6' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=5400760b
    [2014-08-29 08:46:35] DEBUG: job_id='274e7' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=5400762a
    [2014-08-29 08:47:05] DEBUG: job_id='274e8' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007647
    [2014-08-29 08:47:36] DEBUG: job_id='274e9' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007666
    [2014-08-29 08:48:05] DEBUG: job_id='274ea' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007683
    [2014-08-29 08:48:35] DEBUG: job_id='274eb' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540076a2
    [2014-08-29 08:49:05] DEBUG: job_id='274ec' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540076bf
    [2014-08-29 08:49:36] DEBUG: job_id='274ed' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540076de
    [2014-08-29 08:50:06] DEBUG: job_id='274ee' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540076fb
    [2014-08-29 08:50:36] DEBUG: job_id='274ef' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=5400771a
    [2014-08-29 08:50:55] DEBUG: job_id='274f0' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=5400772c
    [2014-08-29 08:50:55] Stratum requested work restart
    [2014-08-29 08:50:55] DEBUG: job_id='274f1' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=5400772d
  • this one is not enabled you can see the hashes and threads[2014-08-29 08:49:32] thread 3: 70248948 hashes, 1177 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:49:32] DEBUG: job_id='2434a' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540076db
    [2014-08-29 08:49:33] thread 0: 57265264 hashes, 956.30 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:49:33] thread 1: 69965032 hashes, 1164 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:49:34] thread 2: 69976816 hashes, 1169 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:50:03] DEBUG: job_id='2434b' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=540076f9
    [2014-08-29 08:50:33] DEBUG: job_id='2434c' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007717
    [2014-08-29 08:50:33] thread 3: 70606520 hashes, 1157 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:50:33] thread 0: 57378116 hashes, 941.72 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:50:34] thread 1: 69866844 hashes, 1154 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:50:34] thread 2: 70129880 hashes, 1157 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:50:50] DEBUG: job_id='2434d' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007728
    [2014-08-29 08:50:50] Stratum requested work restart
    [2014-08-29 08:50:50] DEBUG: job_id='2434e' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007729
    [2014-08-29 08:50:50] thread 1: 19223096 hashes, 1169 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:50:50] thread 0: 16200004 hashes, 958.67 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:50:50] thread 3: 19881964 hashes, 1160 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:50:50] thread 2: 18884196 hashes, 1166 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:51:20] DEBUG: job_id='2434f' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007747
    [2014-08-29 08:51:50] thread 3: 69587056 hashes, 1172 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:51:50] thread 2: 69971452 hashes, 1175 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:51:50] DEBUG: job_id='24350' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007765
    [2014-08-29 08:51:50] thread 1: 70136364 hashes, 1166 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:51:51] thread 0: 57520140 hashes, 953.50 khash/s
    [2014-08-29 08:52:20] DEBUG: job_id='24351' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=54007783
  • running both instances on my first hit the hash rate was cut in half? is this normal?

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