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Running Mac Miner and Asteroid at same time

Quick background:

I'd been mining Dogecoin for a while but decided to stop, however to be able to convert them to BTC I need at least 1000.

So I continued using MacMiner for Dogecoin but I wanted to also mine bitcoin at the same time. So I downloaded Asteroid, finally got it to work (because I never previously had any luck), and began using that to mine bitcoin. It seems like ever since I started running Asteroid, Mac Miner will unexpectedly quit. The program won't quit, it will just stop mining. It doesn't matter whether I use Asteroid for BTC and MacMiner for DOGE or vice versa, whichever currency I am using MacMiner with, MacMiner won't mine.

Is there a known conflict between these two? (Or an unknown conflict but that could be the reason?)



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