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mac miner not supported error

trying to get up and running new to this whole scene running snow leopard on a mbp 15 however it is a very early mbp with an intel coreduo any suggestions or future releases on the way?
i did also post this in feature request but though better of it and reposted here thanks for any help/advise you can give


  • I'm sorry, but there's just too much else that needs doing I would consider more important I don't have time for and with Yosemite coming up that's a problem that only effects a limited portion of users running a version of Mac OS 5 versions back :(
  • im sure you are busy and a new os is im sure a daunting task thanks for the reply if ya ever get the time it would be really nice as i like im sure many others have older macs collecting dust that could very easily be put to work i for instance have this mbp plus two g3 towers as far as modern machines running osx thought this would be a good use for em thanks again for the reply and good luck with yosemite 

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