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Error: Get temp returned empty string/timed out

edited December 2013 in General
I'm using a new BFL Bitforce SC 5GH/s unit and it will hash in MacMiner for a little while (maybe 15 minutes) before I get an endless scroll of this:

[2013-12-22 02:02:41] BFL 0a: Error: Get temp returned empty string/timed out
[2013-12-22 02:02:41] BFL 0a: Received unexpected queue result response: 
[2013-12-22 02:02:41] BFL 0a: Received unexpected queue result response: 
[2013-12-22 02:02:41] BFL 0a: Received unexpected queue result response: 
[2013-12-22 02:02:41] BFL 0a: Received unexpected queue result response: 

It repeats endlessly until I hit "Stop"

The proper drivers are installed and I'm using '-S all' in settings. I've tried restarting (my Mac and the miner), switching USB ports, shaking my fists, praying and cursing but nothing has worked. ;)

Any thoughts?



  • That doesn't sound good, what temperature is it running at before that happens? Someone on BFL forums recommended letting them cool down for a few hours - personally I'd get in touch with BFL and ask for a replacement…
  • It was at 53 the last time it happened. Is that terrible?

    I won't be surprised if I have to return it. Any company that takes 7 months to deliver a product is not to be trusted to build it well. Haha. Worst tech investment ever.

    If I contact them -- does it make sense to say it's overheating? Or does the readout above or error message suggest that the hardware is not reporting the temperature correctly?

    Thanks for your help and for the useful app!
  • 53 is fine, but it looks to me as though there's some kind of problem with the controller board on the unit. If you post the same logs you put here they'll see that it's getting confused and hopefully fulfil the warrantee… Let us know how you get on!

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