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Upgraded Mac Miner and now can't mine...?

I'm getting...
 [2014-05-22 10:48:53] Started bfgminer 3.99.0
 [2014-05-22 10:48:53] Loaded configuration file /Users/Maxam/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf
 [2014-05-22 10:49:12] ModMiner detect:
 [2014-05-22 10:49:12] Probing for an alive pool
 [2014-05-22 10:49:12] Testing pool
 [2014-05-22 10:49:13] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server
 [2014-05-22 10:49:13] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server

Any Help?


  • I think this is a known issue which should resolve itself if left alone for a minute - does the API window show your stats?
  • Hmm.. Nope, no stats.... API window is empty. 
  • edited May 2014
    It sits there for a minute or so, then spits this out... then try's all over again.

    2014-05-22 10:53:52] Started bfgminer 3.99.0
     [2014-05-22 10:53:52] Loaded configuration file /Users/Maxam/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf
     [2014-05-22 10:54:11] ModMiner detect: no response to version request from /dev/cu.usbserial-000020FA
     [2014-05-22 10:54:11] Probing for an alive pool
     [2014-05-22 10:54:11] Testing pool
     [2014-05-22 10:54:12] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server
     [2014-05-22 10:54:12] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] Closing socket for stratum pool 0
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] Pool: 0  URL:  User: (My Username)  Password: (MyPassword)
    No servers could be used! Exiting.
     [2014-05-22 10:53:52] Started bfgminer 3.99.0                    
     [2014-05-22 10:53:52] Loaded configuration file /Users/Maxam/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf                    
     [2014-05-22 10:54:11] Probing for an alive pool                    
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.                    
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input                    
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers                    
     [2014-05-22 10:56:11] Pool: 0  URL:  User: (Myusername)   Password: (MyPassword)                  

  • FWIW: Created a new worker at the btcguild pool, and now API window has data and the pool website shows a hashrate.

    However the FPGA/ASIC miner window still isn't scrolling like it typically does and still shows 0Mh and no Accepted or Rejected.
  • Weird that the new worker fixed it, was it reporting the correct user/pass in the log? I wonder if that was changed somehow…

    The output of bfgminer seems a little unstable at the moment as it's not an official version but the latest from github which supports more devices than the official release - hopefully the other symptoms will all be fixed soon and I'll be taking the stats from the same source as the API window!
  • However the FPGA/ASIC miner window still isn't scrolling like it typically does and still shows 0Mh and no Accepted or Rejected.
    This is the same issue I'm having with 1.5.20. It's not bfgminer because placing an older version in Resources (inside the .app folder) does not fix it.

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