That's not good - does it show up until you restart MacMiner? Can you try using cmd-J or the preferences menu item to open/close the window, also press enter when you've finished entering text please?
I've tested it and it does appear that the saving as you type is not working so I'll look in to that, but it does appear to save when I close the preferences window with the cmd-comma combo.. try entering the info again then just use the combo a couple of times?
oh man I should have asked that right off. I don't know why the email and app key aren't showing up for you after app restart, but CPU miner doesn't yet feed MobileMiner anyway - all the other windows do and CPU will be added but it doesn't use the same API so it has to be done differently!
with your vertcoin reward address as user/pass, but the difficulty would be an issue there too - it might be a better idea to choose a pool from this list
Just made an account with but when I try to run mac miner with my worker name/password it shuts down and attempts every 30 seconds to mine.
What is the correct Pool: if thats the site I'm using