hi, i just recently got this application and dont really know what to do...thats problem number 1

then there is the application quitting unexpectedly, only the first time i enter the app it was running smoothly, but when i try got back in again it just quit for no reason and it says the problem path seems to be coming from here :
[2014-05-08 20:02:44] thread 1: 10672813 hashes, 308.39 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:02:44] thread 3: 10610769 hashes, 306.57 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:02:44] thread 0: 10669800 hashes, 308.28 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:38] Stratum detected new block
[2014-05-08 20:03:38] thread 2: 17174300 hashes, 318.97 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:38] thread 3: 17224275 hashes, 319.94 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:38] thread 1: 17059947 hashes, 316.85 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:38] thread 0: 17191222 hashes, 319.34 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:39] Stratum detected new block
[2014-05-08 20:03:39] thread 0: 285354 hashes, 343.20 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:39] thread 1: 286352 hashes, 344.34 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:39] thread 3: 283187 hashes, 340.48 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:39] thread 2: 292876 hashes, 348.49 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:40] Stratum detected new block
[2014-05-08 20:03:40] thread 2: 296056 hashes, 350.14 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:40] thread 3: 290125 hashes, 342.91 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:40] thread 0: 295472 hashes, 345.83 khash/s
[2014-05-08 20:03:40] thread 1: 292188 hashes, 342.05 khash/s
And also the value has been 0 for a long time, so i was just wondering if the miner is really doing anything since "starting" has always been there right next to KH -.-'