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Up and running

edited April 2014 in General
Hello John,

Been away for a while. Setting up my rig, holidays....etc. I see you've made me a moderator. Will try to do my best.

Now mining litecoin with 4 x 280x. Hashing at around 2.8M. Might try your P2Pool soon as I am not so satisfied with the one I am currently mining in (




  • On the moderation part. I can't seem to see any options to moderate the forum apart the "sink" option next to each discussion. Is that all?
  • Nice rig! What experience have you had with that pool?

    Sink should be the option for getting rid of spam. I started the moderator group without privileges I don't completely understand and haven't checked it out so let me know if there's something you'd expect to see missing! Thanks for taking on moderation :)
  • edited April 2014
    Thanks. It seems to work ok except that the website is a bit buggy. The admin just answered to me though that they are on the process of updating the whole backend. So let's see!

    For the sink option, ok noted. I have tried that but I don't see much change. The offending posts are still there to be seen. I can't delete them so not sure what the "sink" option does.

    Other option would be to be able to ban a member.
  • I noticed you sunk one discussion and it showed up for me to see - I'm guessing maybe it still shows up for you as you're logged in as a moderator? Worth checking out - unfortunately I already deleted the user you flagged a post for :) Unfortunately the forum seems to allow deleting users, but not banning them.. Might put in a feature request there…
  • edited April 2014
    I actually tried logging out to see if the discussions were there and they were.

    Anyways seems they are now gone.

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