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MacMiner version Version 1.5.18e (1518e) problem when mining with bfgminer, BTC Guild, and BFL 32Ghz

edited April 2014 in General
I get this problem where MacMiner goes into a bad state after a unknown period using my BFL 32Ghz. It starts looping, and the Accepted/Rejected stats in the window are corrupted.  It causes the BFL to cycle its fan up and down and up and down ad nauseum, and the only solution is to restart MacMiner. Occasionally it leaves a zombie process hanging around that needs to be killed before you can successfully restart it.  I managed to catch it just at it crashed (usually I'm not around) and in the FPGA/ASIC miner window where the Accepted is usually displayed/updated it reports some sort of error message "Failed to send queue".  Looking at the log scroll I see some odd messages, "BFL 0a: Received unexpected queue result response: " (nothing after the colon), and "BFL 0a: Failed to send queue".

I tried the last beta and it was even more unstable than 1.5.18e.
I run it on a MacBook Retina, 16Gb RAM, 2.3Ghz Intel Core i7, OS X 10.9.2.


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