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Failed to initialise - CGMiner / iceFury

edited April 2014 in Support

I've tried to search for this in various places and come close ( ), but not quite there....

I've got MacMiner ( ) running, and an iceFury usb stick directly slotted in my Mavericks 10.9.2 MacBook Pro. Using the ASIC Miner option it finds nothing, and using the CGMiner option it gets closer.

CGMiner gives the warning about device drivers, and I was able to remove 4 of them without any problems. The fifth gave the following error:

    PB-MBP:~ peter$ sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext

    (kernel) Kext com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver not found for unload request.

    Failed to unload com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver - (libkern/kext) not found. 

Starting CGMiner and then choosing to ignore the warnings gave me:
    bitfury detect (250:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)

Any ideas? Sorry if I'm really missing something obvious. 

Best wishes



  • Managed to get the unload to pass without errors now (by loading / unloading a few times), but I still get the warning when starting BFGMiner, and if I proceed despite the warning I get the error with the 'failed to initialise (incorrect device?)' message....
  • One other thing that is odd is that each time I quit MacMiner it then fails to restart until I delete ~/Library/Application\ Support/MacMiner, which is a bit unsettling.
  • Thanks for the report, what coin do you set up, only bitcoin?

    Do you have other devices plugged in too? Could be a conflict… Ice fury should work without messing about with the drivers. best to restart and try ASIC and CG windows with the drivers in place probably…

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