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USB DualMiner (1chip) Mac OSX 10.9.2 Unable to get MacMiner to see the device.

edited March 2014 in Support
I have disabled the Apple Drivers using kextunload

This is my listing of devices:

crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,   1 Mar 10 08:53 /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,   3 Mar 10 08:53 /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Modem
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,  13 Mar 11 10:53 /dev/cu.usbserial-000014FAA
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,  15 Mar 11 10:53 /dev/cu.usbserial-000014FAB

But when I attempt to start anything it still does not see the device.

Running MacMiner-Grindseed7

 [2014-03-11 11:45:13] Started cgminer 3.8.5
 [2014-03-11 11:45:13] Loaded configuration file /Users/macbookpro/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf
 [2014-03-11 11:45:15] gridseed detect (250:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
 [2014-03-11 11:45:15] No devices detected!
 [2014-03-11 11:45:15] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
 [2014-03-11 11:45:15] Probing for an alive pool
 [2014-03-11 11:45:17] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 32
 [2014-03-11 11:45:19] Network diff set to 4.74K
 [2014-03-11 11:45:24] API running in IP access mode on port 4048 (27)
 [2014-03-11 11:45:13] Started cgminer 3.8.5                   
 [2014-03-11 11:45:13] Loaded configuration file /Users/macbookpro/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf                   
 [2014-03-11 11:45:15] gridseed detect (250:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)                   
 [2014-03-11 11:45:15] No devices detected!                   
 [2014-03-11 11:45:15] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit                   
 [2014-03-11 11:45:15] Probing for an alive pool                   
 [2014-03-11 11:45:17] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 32                   
 [2014-03-11 11:45:19] Network diff set to 4.74K                   
 [2014-03-11 11:45:24] API running in IP access mode on port 4048 (27)                   
(5s):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s | A:0  R:0  HW:0  WU:0.0/m         
 [2014-03-11 11:45:25] gridseed detect (250:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
 [2014-03-11 11:45:25] gridseed detect (250:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)                   
(5s):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s | A:0  R:0  HW:0  WU:0.0/m         
 [2014-03-11 11:45:31] gridseed detect (250:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)
 [2014-03-11 11:45:31] gridseed detect (250:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)                   
(5s):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s | A:0  R:0  HW:0  WU:0.0/m         
 [2014-03-11 11:45:38] gridseed detect (250:6) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)

I just am interested in getting it setup for LTC mining. Any help would be appreciated.

The DualMiner is just directly connected into the USB port on the macbook pro. No external hub or anything since its just the one.



  • edited March 2014
    Here is some updated stuff if it helps: Trying this in CPU Miner now.

    [2014-03-11 18:37:38] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://

    [2014-03-11 18:37:38] 0: GC3355 chip mining thread started, in SINGLE mode

    [2014-03-11 18:37:38] 0: Open UART device /dev/cu.usbserial-000014FAB

    [2014-03-11 18:37:38] 0: Set GC3355 core frequency to 600Mhz

    [2014-03-11 18:37:38] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-03-11 18:37:39] 0: Dispatching new work to GC3355 LTC core

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aac000808080800000000001000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aac000c0c0c0c00500000001000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef020000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef3020000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2817000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef000500e082

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2816000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2817000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f8ff0700000fb1794c7275876b6c342f8a3035a3bb7bac6134827a0e93e30c702a0b311a6600000002866238fa64ec98801f8f6ae5854e6b364df85266e60d142e364eac743dba086675ce13959d7a212ab918a66c517f622394ba2a17c2393079aac3b71c006dc00a531fba3d1b0dd50600000000ffffffff12345678























    I got to this point by using the --freq 600 --gc3355=/dev/cu.usbserial-000014FAB Manual Flag

    But it doesn't seem to be hashing in CPU Miner.
  • Hey, using the 1 chip device you should install these drivers:

    and use bfgminer in the GPU window set to script or the ASIC window

    in either case use manual flag

    -S gridseed:all

  • edited March 2014
    I installed the drivers already. And also ran the ktextunload.

    ls -l /dev/cu.* 

    crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,   1 Mar 10 08:53 /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port

    crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,   3 Mar 10 08:53 /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Modem

    crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,  41 Mar 12 00:53 /dev/cu.usbserial-000013FDA

    crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,  43 Mar 12 00:53 /dev/cu.usbserial-000013FDB

    When I use FPGA/ASIC Miner I get this result:

    2014-03-12 00:57:07] Started bfgminer 3.9.0

     [2014-03-12 00:57:07] Loaded configuration file /Users/macbookpro/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf

     [2014-03-12 00:57:07] No devices detected!

     [2014-03-12 00:57:07] Waiting for devices

     [2014-03-12 00:57:07] Probing for an alive pool

     [2014-03-12 00:57:07] Testing pool

     [2014-03-12 00:57:07] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server

     [2014-03-12 00:57:08] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server

     [2014-03-12 00:57:08] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0

     [2014-03-12 00:57:08] Pool 0 alive

     [2014-03-12 00:57:09] Network difficulty changed to 4.74k (33.92Gh/s)

     [2014-03-12 00:57:09] New block: ...ba7ad985 #529719 diff 4.74k (33.92Gh/s)

     [2014-03-12 00:57:09] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

     [2014-03-12 00:57:09] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us

     [2014-03-12 00:57:09] 0 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'fastauto' algorithm.

     [2014-03-12 00:57:09] API running in IP access mode on port 4028

  • When I use GPU Miner I get this result:

    When using GPU Window I get this result:

    [2014-03-12 00:53:45] Started bfgminer 3.9.0

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] Loaded configuration file /Users/macpro/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] CL Platform 0 vendor: Apple

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] CL Platform 0 name: Apple

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] CL Platform 0 version: OpenCL 1.2 (Dec  8 2013 21:07:05)

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] Platform 0 devices: 1

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45]  0 GeForce GT 330M

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] Unable to load ati adl library

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] Probing for an alive pool

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] Testing pool stratum+tcp://

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] HTTP request failed: Protocol stratum+tcp not supported or disabled in libcurl

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0

     [2014-03-12 00:53:45] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] Network difficulty changed to 4.74k (33.92Gh/s)

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] New block: ...d44fda80 #529717 diff 4.74k (33.92Gh/s)

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] CL Platform vendor: Apple

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] CL Platform name: Apple

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Dec  8 2013 21:07:05)

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] List of devices:

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46]  0 GeForce GT 330M

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] Selected 0: GeForce GT 330M

     [2014-03-12 00:53:46] Selecting scrypt kernel

     [2014-03-12 00:53:55] Initialising kernel without bitalign, 1 vectors and worksize 256

     [2014-03-12 00:53:55] initCl() finished. Found GeForce GT 330M

     [2014-03-12 00:53:55] -1 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'scrypt' algorithm.

     [2014-03-12 00:53:55] API running in IP access mode on port 4052

     [2014-03-12 00:53:55] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

     [2014-03-12 00:53:55] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize


  • Thanks for taking the time to respond. 
  • If you ran the kextunload that essentially uninstalls the drivers, you can run the same command with kextload or just restart to get them to load again!
  • Still seems the same. It only lists the my video card in the laptop.

    [2014-03-12 01:15:17] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] CL Platform vendor: Apple

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] CL Platform name: Apple

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Dec  8 2013 21:07:05)

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] List of devices:

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] 0 GeForce GT 330M

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] Selected 0: GeForce GT 330M

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] Selecting scrypt kernel

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] Initialising kernel without bitalign, 1 vectors and worksize 256

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] initCl() finished. Found GeForce GT 330M

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] -1 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'scrypt' algorithm.

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] API running in IP access mode on port 4052

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] OCL 0 failure, disabling!

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] OCL 0 being disabled

     [2014-03-12 01:15:16] Started bfgminer 3.9.0                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:16] Loaded configuration file /Users/neiljariwala/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:16] Probing for an alive pool                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] Network difficulty changed to 4.74k (33.92Gh/s)                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:17] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] API running in IP access mode on port 4052                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] OCL 0 failure, disabling!                    

     [2014-03-12 01:15:18] OCL 0 being disabled                    

  • And here is the output from ASIC Miner:

     [2014-03-12 01:16:41] Started bfgminer 3.9.0

     [2014-03-12 01:16:41] Loaded configuration file /Users/macbookproLibrary/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf

     [2014-03-12 01:16:41] No devices detected!

     [2014-03-12 01:16:41] Waiting for devices

     [2014-03-12 01:16:41] Probing for an alive pool

     [2014-03-12 01:16:41] Testing pool

     [2014-03-12 01:16:41] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server

     [2014-03-12 01:16:41] HTTP request failed: Empty reply from server

     [2014-03-12 01:16:43] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0

     [2014-03-12 01:16:43] Pool 0 alive

     [2014-03-12 01:16:43] Network difficulty changed to 4.74k (33.92Gh/s)

     [2014-03-12 01:16:43] New block: ...556b0c5e #529728 diff 4.74k (33.92Gh/s)

     [2014-03-12 01:16:43] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

     [2014-03-12 01:16:43] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us

     [2014-03-12 01:16:43] 0 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'fastauto' algorithm.

     [2014-03-12 01:16:43] API running in IP access mode on port 4028

  • are you using 

    -S gridseed:all


    It may want

    -S dualminer:all

    for the 1 chip device
  • Yes I changed it to -S gridseed:all

    Ill try the other option and report back.
  • Same results. Only the GPU from my laptop shows up in GPU Miner and in ASIC Miner it says No Devices Detected.

  • The results should look like this in the terminal right?

    crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,  13 Mar 12 01:30 /dev/cu.usbserial-000014FAA

    crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel   18,  15 Mar 12 01:30 /dev/cu.usbserial-000014FAB

  • That looks about right, although just slightly different from others I've seen.

    Have you tried the CPU Miner window set to LTC with the flags
    --freq=800 -G /dev/cu.usbmodem142431

  • [2014-03-13 10:34:24] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://

    [2014-03-13 10:34:24] 0: GC3355 chip mining thread started, in SINGLE mode

    [2014-03-13 10:34:24] 0: Open UART device /dev/cu.usbserial-000014FAA

    [2014-03-13 10:34:24] 0: Set GC3355 core frequency to 800Mhz

    [2014-03-13 10:34:25] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-03-13 10:34:25] 0: Dispatching new work to GC3355 LTC core

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aac000808080800000000001000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aac000c0c0c0c00500000001000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef020000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef3020000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2817000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef000500e083

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2816000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2817000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f8ff070000e4da4d53f7bb90531f7020868dd7a3d0d45466a632b6a7ba7bf9f07cca5ec5ae00000002b1a5c8f547788749c02ada323e31145c860cf4e250036bfa10a36b4dd5358d999b82b1e100602500bfd38be732447fc582a14c9d2cb16bb7700e4b8fea27a0fe5321ec011b0de2e600000000ffffffff12345678
































    [2014-03-13 10:34:58] 0: Dispatching new work to GC3355 LTC core

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2816000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2817000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f8ff070000c43c9309bd4866c20598df86a9d3fa5c010066c559132f3fbe2f7210d2a7ca1c00000002b1a5c8f547788749c02ada323e31145c860cf4e250036bfa10a36b4dd5358d9920e977ac214fbe6c8fa4d66b561f156fca4c9f1708292a4030b5461e9858dd935321ec3d1b0de2e600000000ffffffff12345678






  • I think I may just get a rasp pi. Seems as though it might be easier to manage that way then on a mac.

  • Try lowering --freq to 600

    pi probably has better support right now, but in a few days Mac support should get a bunch better too :)
  • btw worth noting the CPU Miner doesn't show a hash rate just accepted shares so worth checking in on the pool site
  • It seems to give me the same result. I checked the pool site and it doesn't report anything happening.
  • OK thanks for testing it out, I should have a new version I expect to work better ready very soon! You're the first person to give detailed feedback for the 1 chip device, and detailed feedback is all we needed to get the 5 chip devices hashing :)
  • Funny thing. I just got a 5 chip in the mail to test out. So I was going to try that out while I wait for my Pi to arrive.
  • Ah cool, you don't need to worry about drivers with that one, just run it in CPU Miner set to LTC with the same manual flags as above  - replacing the device path of course!
  • I plugged in the 5chip. Just added --freq=800 -G /dev/cu.usbmodemfa141 into CPU Miner Manual flag. and it worked. Only 13 of 17 accepted so far, but maybe that will stabilize in a little bit.

  • This was so much easier with the 5 chip.
  • Awesome! Try a few different frequencies, 750 and 850 have been said to work well. If you keep getting a lot of rejects you might run faster at 750. 

    Someone else already went through all the troubleshooting parts with the 5 chip - you're doing that for the 1 chip and helping everyone else out :) Will update here when it's updated for your miners.
  • I would be happy to help you troubleshoot the 1 chip. So just let me know when its updated and ill report back.
  • I am trying out the 1-chip DualMiner and am getting these results with the same flags. It looks like it is hashing, but the hash rate in the pool is 0.0 - if I move the device to my Windows machine, the hashrate is ~69kH/s. Am I doing something wrong? I had it running on OSX for around an hour, but the hashrate was still zero.

    [2014-03-16 02:01:13] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://

    [2014-03-16 02:01:13] 0: GC3355 chip mining thread started, in SINGLE mode

    [2014-03-16 02:01:13] 0: Open UART device /dev/cu.usbserial-00001224B

    [2014-03-16 02:01:13] 0: Set GC3355 core frequency to 600Mhz

    [2014-03-16 02:01:13] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-03-16 02:01:14] 0: Dispatching new work to GC3355 LTC core

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aac000808080800000000001000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aac000c0c0c0c00500000001000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef020000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef3020000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2817000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aaef000500e082

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2816000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2817000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000cccc00000003dd58b8c4cc874e505093b1ee5c8d5f3993051d6e25c891b625ee84532735c8000000021b1261f03c1a4d5b355b537ff3747d3ce747b41156563a91811c0b6b6fe1c60ef919f42b5d50890281bfd94389545dd13e0e9b8f97d1c4195deaf2a7a2a85ed05324f7cc1b3d615800000000ffffffff12345678

















    [2014-03-16 02:01:31] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-03-16 02:01:31] 0: Dispatching new work to GC3355 LTC core

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2816000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f2817000000

    [1;33m0: >>> LTC :[0m 55aa1f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000cccc00000025b40f7df40c2086bbf794aef76623a793e224bebdc242fe664cd9a42fc9c0da000000021c70d68e10ec82041026df70c36cdd25387c91731e2cedfb5c451e7d3118ad9cd08f8d5443c980933abdfd66f69ec5e6de8ad4c4033bcb4b5414508bf8915b7c5324f7e91b3d615800000000ffffffff12345678









  • pigpen

    I think we are waiting for an update to MacMiner. I had the same results at you.
  • Please try this version:

    Which should work with bfgminer updated by luke-jr an hour ago. 

    LTC in the GPU window and BTC in the ASIC window both use the flag
    -S dualminer:all
  • Do I have to download the bfgminer gridseed branch separately? I can start the app but it can't detect my 1-chip device:

    [2014-04-12 14:43:05] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
    [2014-04-12 14:43:05] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
    [2014-04-12 14:43:06] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0
    [2014-04-12 14:43:06] CL Platform vendor: Apple
    [2014-04-12 14:43:06] CL Platform name: Apple
    [2014-04-12 14:43:06] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Dec 8 2013 21:07:05)
    [2014-04-12 14:43:06] List of devices:
    [2014-04-12 14:43:06] 0 GeForce 9400M
    [2014-04-12 14:43:06] Selected 0: GeForce 9400M
    [2014-04-12 14:43:06] Selecting scrypt kernel
  • The app is in need of update, please download this:

    and unstuff it then put the bfgminer folder in

    replacing the one that's there

    then run FPGA/ASIC window with the manual flag

    -S all

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