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hardware discussion

edited February 2014 in General
Is there any info on the best computer hardware on a medium budget .. that fits the coin type to be mined ?  Why would a notebook be better for mining quark than say maxcoin ?   A Mac desktop outfitted in what way would produce say several shares a day mining something like maxcoin or mazacoin?  Thank you .


  • I have been watching youtube videos about building your own mining rig and I have gotten good information from the folks doing the video. 
  • Most Macs should be about able to mine a few MaxCoins yet, it's still quite easy and you'll be able to do it on your CPU - notebooks do tend to be better at CPU than GPU so I guess you could say it would be better for Quark.
  • It doesn't cost much to buy a dedicated ASIC, which will give your more hashes per second than your CPU or GPU would ever be able to do.  Plus it will enable you to use your computer still.
  • edited February 2014
    @OldTimer  This would only apply to Bitcoin as there is no ASICs designed for other alternative coins. At least none has seen the light yet although you see some websites promoting upcoming ASICs for Scrypt coins (which in my opinion seem scam).

    I have been doing some digging for the past couple of months but more recently got serious about it. There isn't per say a better computer than another. What basically matters is either your GPU capacity or CPU capacity (more suited for certain altcoins at present). In general it isn't recommended to use your laptop for mining, specially if you are using your GPU. I would says with your CPU would be ok. You have to remember that laptops were not designed for that and their form factor (tightly enclosed components) increases the chances to dramatically reduce the life of the machine.

    There are 2 widely known websites that list the Hash power of the hardware when used with Bitcoin or Litecoin:

    The best you can do is google, google, google as there isn't really a place where all this information is gathered.

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