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Hashing 24/7 but last shift credit/block reward was 7 days ago

My apologies if this has been answered within this forum and I'm just not knowledgeable enough to properly search for the right thread.

(Disclaimer - I'm OLD. Like more than twice as old as the internet itself and not a natural when it comes to code and computers [that's one reason I like Macs!])

I purchased a Gridseed 5-chip in mid-May and thanks to MacMiner and this forum, I was able to get everything configured and mining on FabulousPanda. I received my first share payment on May 16th and received payments nearly every day (sometimes half a dozen a day) until May 30th. Then I stopped receiving any shift credits despite hashing 24/7 (save rebooting my Mac a few times and rebooting the Gridseed to see if it was at fault) and my CPU GUI showing thousands of shares of work "Accepted" and the pool at FabulouPanda showing my LTC miner as active and hashing.

Based on previous threads I've found on the forum, I'm guessing I accidentally changed something within my System Preferences a week ago. I am simultaneously mining Bitcoins with several BFL ASICs using a second copy of MacMiner (and that's been relatively problem free since starting in mid-May).

Just on a hunch, today I removed the Gridseed from my Mac and started Litecoin mining with my Mac's CPUs. Each time I did this, it kicked my BFLs offline with this error message:

Staged work underrun; increasing queue minimum to 2

That conflict may be totally coincidental to my LTC mining problem but it did seem odd, and I have to quit both instances of MacMiner to get BTC mining again.

Any help/suggestions would be very much appreciated. "Thanks" in advance!

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