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Antminer overclocking results...

edited March 2014 in General
I've had 4 Antminers running for about 3 weeks now. Right away they started hashing at a higher rate than they were rated for, but I decided to see what would happen if I overclocked them. I briefly tried the different settings I had found and settled on the one said to be the fastest. But while the readings in the MacMiner window showed around 8.5 gh/s the pools I was using were usually showing about half of that. My attention has been focused on my Gridseeds recently, so finally last night I revisited the Antminer settings.

These instructions are what I was basing my settings on:

To over clock the antminer you put
--set-device antminer:clock=x0781
in manual flags, swap that 7 in 0781 for 8, 9 or A like x0A81 or x0981 with A being fastest.

I found that --set-device antminer:clock=x0A81 showed in the pool as about half of the reading in MacMiner.
Now I'm using --set-device antminer:clock=x0981 and while the speed shows the same in the MacMiner window, the pool is showing about 20% higher than that... so overall, I gained boost of hashing speed of about 120% with --set-device antminer:clock=x0981

Just wish I had caught that sooner, but wanted to share this to help anyone else running the Antminers.


  • argment --bmsc-freq

    0581 : 150M

    0681 : 175M

    4F02 : 193M

    0781 : 200M

    0881 : 225M

    0981 : 250M

    0A81 : 275M

    0B81 : 300M

    0C81 : 325M

    0D81 : 350M

    0E81 : 375M

    0F81 : 400M

    5081 : 425M

    5181 : 450M

    5281 : 475M

    5381 : 500M


    run at default clock frequency(4F02, 193.75), timeout is 2s

    cgminer.exe --bmsc-options 115200:20 -o pool_url -u user -p password

    run at 200M clock frequency, timeout is 2s

    cgminer.exe --bmsc-options 115200:20 -o pool_url -u user -p password --bmsc-freq 0781

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