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xmr-stak-amd feedback

I am using a MacBook Pro Touch Bar with latest OSX. To it I connected two Vega 64 cards in an external Akito external GPU case. I am getting consistent hash rate of 1,100 H/s on each card mining Electroneum. I shoudl check on XMR as well, not sure if it will be the same.

Everything is stable, though, I would like to bump up the hashrate to what I see on Windows ~1900... will keep experimenting.


  • Unfortunately I doubt the Mac is going to reach the Windows mining speed as the AMD drivers aren't the same and Apple prefers Metal to OpenCL... maybe we'll get a Metal kernel someday though and see whether it can improve the situation! I'll try compiling xmr-stak 2.0 for amd though, it may improve things a little.

  • Cool! I also have NVIDIA external GPU up and running. Trying to get ccminer working, but unable to, will ask for help there. But if you are interested in getting LyraRev2 working, I am interested.

  • Two Vega 64:
    "gpu_thread_num" : 4,
    { "index" : 1, "intensity" : 1784, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false },
    { "index" : 2, "intensity" : 1784, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false },
    { "index" : 1, "intensity" : 1520, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false },
    { "index" : 2, "intensity" : 1520, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false },

    1,200 H/s each

  • edited March 2018

    Is that with 2.1 and is it any improvement? Lyra2Rev2 has no GPU miners that work on macOS, the vertcoin devs say they 'might' look in to it when their official miner is closer to release.

  • @twojewoda said:
    I am using a MacBook Pro Touch Bar with latest OSX. To it I connected two Vega 64 cards in an external Akito external GPU case. I am getting consistent hash rate of 1,100 H/s on each card mining Electroneum. I shoudl check on XMR as well, not sure if it will be the same.

    Everything is stable, though, I would like to bump up the hashrate to what I see on Windows ~1900... will keep experimenting.

    Are the x2 vega 64's you're running in a single Akitio enclosure or in their own (dual)?

    If the latter, would you know if you can run a triple setup?

  • do you have something for bctp- bitcoin private?

  • here is the site for pickaxe bctp- they are using equihash-

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