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XMR-STAK-AMD on Mac OS 10.13.5

Hi, i did a update from 10.13.4 to 10.13.5 and now the xmr-stak-amd-2.4.3 is not recognizing the GPU anymore. Is there any sooution for this? All worked fine with 10.13.4. I got a Imac pro with Vega 64.





  • edited June 2018

    It works on mine, but giving these warning:

    WARNING: AMD cannot load backend library: dlopen(libxmrstak_opencl_backend.dylib, 1): image not found
    WARNING: AMD Backend disabled
    [2018-06-14 15:00:43] : WARNING: backend AMD (OpenCL) disabled.
    [2018-06-14 15:00:43] : WARNING on macOS thread affinity is only advisory.
    [2018-06-14 15:00:43] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 0.
    [2018-06-14 15:00:43] : WARNING on macOS thread affinity is only advisory.
    [2018-06-14 15:00:43] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 1.
    [2018-06-14 15:00:43] : WARNING on macOS thread affinity is only advisory.
    [2018-06-14 15:00:43] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 2.
    [2018-06-14 15:00:44] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mmap failed
    [2018-06-14 15:00:44] : MEMORY ALLOC FAILED: mmap failed

    Not sure if it's important... my iMac 27" 3.8Ghz give 100H/s on CPU and 620H/s on GPU only....

  • WARNING: using non AMD device: Apple
    Device 0 work size 8 / 32.
    OpenCL device 0 -
    WARNING: AMD device not found
    WARNING: backend AMD (OpenCL) disabled.

    I got this message but and its not GPU mining.

    Are you using the xmr-stak-amd-2.4.3?

  • Ok i got it. I deleted the .openclcache in my user Folder!!

  • Whats your setting for the GPU?

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