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Newby Question - How/When do I see payout?

edited December 2013 in General
I've read the other posts on payout  but that unfortunately did not clear anything up.

I've been mining very slowly for a about 48 hours now (Litecoin CPU Miner) - 15/KH on average. I realize this is slow, but still expected to see some kind of update to my Litecoin wallet. I'm also completely new to the use of the litecoin wallet - I open it, I close it - is this enough to refresh it ? Don't actually see anything that looks like a refresh or connect button. I'm accustomed to the instant activity of multibit transactions so am a little confused as I expected that as I mined I would see updates to the litecoin wallet.

My address is LVG3qSZ3czhgViiWQNVBundCVSVAy3Rp5v
Am I actually in the pool ?


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